Month: October 2022

Manage contact lens discomfort with Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes

Wearing contact lens has many advantages but some people suffer from contact lens discomfort. A study by the American Academy of Ophthalmology revealed that among young adults, 25% of visits to the ophthalmology is due to eye problems due to contact lenses. If you wear contact lens, you may be quite happy with them. On the other hand you may be experiencing some discomfort. Here are some reasons as well as tips to help you manage your discomfort with eyelid wipes, such as Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes:

Contact lens discomfort – symptoms

  • Stinging, burning, itching in the eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Pain, eyes’ watering, redness
  • Blurred vision, sensitivity to light

These symptoms might indicate simple issues such as problems with the fit or a serious problem like corneal infection and ulcer. If you think contact lens discomfort is normal, then you’re very wrong! After the initial acclimation period, the lens should feel comfortable at all times. In fact, you shouldn’t even notice you are wearing them.

Reasons which cause discomfort due to contact lens

The lens are not a good fit

If your lens does not fit well, it can lead to serious problems. Your lenses rest directly on the eyes, buoyed by the tear film and a multi-layer of oil protectant (mucin, water and oil). Ill-fitting lenses may cause you extreme discomfort. If you experience any symptoms of discomfort, you should get them redone with the right measurement.

Dry eye caused by tear film drying out

Wearing contacts may sometimes dry out the tear film, and you experience all the dry eye symptoms such as burning, itching, pain and red eyes. A good solution for this is to use doctor prescribed artificial tears.

Another solution is to clean your eyes daily with Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes which is pre-moistened with tea tree oil. It will help to manage dry eyes as it will lubricate the tear film and you could use eyelid wipes before you put on the lenses. TTO is the best natural remedy for all kinds of eye problems, even dry eyes caused by contact lenses.

Eat well to have better tear quality

Eat a nutritious diet composed of omega-3 fatty acids and include flaxseed oil as a supplement. It will improve the composition of the tears, making it more oily. Oiler tear film will prevent evaporation of tears, as well as allowing lenses rest comfortably on your eyes’ tear film.

Avoid sharing

Sharing contacts increase the chances of eye infections. Wearing someone else’s contacts means they won’t fit well and can cause damage to the cornea. Teenagers are usually prone to share their contacts, and should be advised not to do so.

Practice right hygiene

Contacts can get damaged due to rough handling. Damaged contacts should never be worn. Also, it is imperative to wash hands before wearing your contacts. This simple hygienic practice will save you from infections due to germs from your hand.

Why you should Oculeaf Eyelid wipes

Features of Oculeaf eyelid wipes

  • Contains natural moisturizer which hydrates and refreshes eyelids & eyes – The natural moisturizers Sodium Hyaluronate and Tea Tree Oil keeps eyes refreshed and shooting which helps to wear contacts comfortably every day. If your tear film is properly lubricated, you will not experience the discomfort due to dry eyes.
  • Wipes are pre-moistened with tea tree oil -So why should you use Oculeaf eyelid wipes? Well, because it is formulated using Tea Tree Oil (TTO)as one of the main ingredients. TTO is considered to be the best for controlling/preventing eye infection.
  • Free from parabens, fragrance, SLS and preservatives – Oculeaf Eyelid wipes are free from all harmful chemicals, making it safest for daily use. It removes eye exudates, dust, mites and bacteria.

How to use Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes

Step 1: Wash your hands and close your eyes.

Step 2: Gently clean your eyelids with a pre-moistened Oculeaf Wipe from the center to the corner of your eyes. Repeat for the other eye contour too.

Step 3: Insert your contact lenses after washing hands.

Use Oculeaf eyelid wipes twice a day, before inserting and after removing your contact lenses for best results. Oculeaf is available in 12 and 24 wipes’ pre-moistened wipes, which you can carry around easily.

For more information, visit, and in case of severe problems do visit your ophthalmologist.

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Habit of daily Eyelid Hygiene will support Healthy Vision

Learn how eye hygiene can protect your cornea

The cornea is a very important part of your eye. Your cornea is dome-like in shape and transparent, situated at the front part of the eye. It functions like the lens of a camera, focusing light onto the retina. It also has nerves which make us alert to irritants that could harm vision and eye health. It is very delicate and has to be protected because if it is damaged in any way, your eyesight will be poor, even though the rest of your eye is healthy.

What is the cornea made of?

In order to understand the ways to protect your eyes, you should know a little about the composition of the cornea. It comprises of five parts – the epithelium, Bowman’s membrane, stroma, Descemet’s membrane, and the endothelium.


Epithelium: The topmost layer of the cornea is the epithelium. This is the layer that requires enough lubrication. If the epithelium is dry or dirty, you will suffer from dry eye syndrome, eye irritation, and itching. One of the ways to strengthen your cornea is to clean your eyes daily with harmless eyelid wipes and eyelid cleansers.

It’s important to keep your Eyes & Eyelids clean by wiping daily with Eyelids Wipes – this may help reduce microbial loads and other pollutants and chemicals and thus improve overall Eyelids Hygiene. It will reduce the seepage of irritating and infective materials into the corneal epithelium and protect your vision. Using harmless eye cleaners like the Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes and Oculeaf Eyelid Soft Eyelid Cleanser is one of the ways eye hygiene can protect your cornea.


Stroma: The stroma is the densest part of the corneal part, and if it gets damaged, you will suffer significant loss of vision. Corneal infections left untreated can damage stroma. It can also be damaged by foreign bodies in the eyes. When you know the importance of and how to take care of eyes daily, you will be able to prevent corneal infections and protect your vision. Again, the best way how eye hygiene can protect your cornea is by using tea tree oil-based Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes and Cleansers.


Endothelium: The cornea’s innermost layer is the endothelium. The endothelium is hydrated by aqueous fluid and keeps eyes lubricated. If this layer is damaged via infections, then corneal transplant might be needed.


Why you should use Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes, Oculeaf Soft Eyelid Cleanser, and Oculeaf Eyelid Gel to protect your Vision

Your cornea is the first layer of defence of your eyes. Gently cleaning the contour of your eyes & Eyelids daily with Oculeaf Eyelid wipes will clean the impurities as well as bacteria which can cause infections or allergy. These wipes are the best in line and most advanced product in its category. The wipes are formulated from Natural Tea Tree Oil, along with Sodium Hyaluronate, Panthenol, and Glycerin. You can use these Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes on your eyelids, eyebrows, and face every day as they are quite safe.

Similarly, use the Oculeaf Soft Eyelid Cleanser as this contains Tea Tree Oil, & Aloe barbadensis flower extract as the base and a very gentle formulation of Panthenol and Tocopherol (High vitamin E).


Keeping the eyes clean will help the cornea to function at its best, giving you the benefit of optimum vision. A regular eye care routine using Oculeaf products will take only five minutes of your time but give you a lifetime of enjoying healthy eyes!

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10 hidden reasons why your eyes have excessive watering most of the time

Anything to do with the eyes is a little baffling, as we know very little about our valuable asset. We take our eyes for granted, and in India especially, we do not practice proper eye hygiene. This leads to many eye problems, including your eyes leaking tons of water all the time, or eyes water suddenly sometimes, at intervals. What are the main reasons for your eyes watering when you least expect it?

First, how are tears produced?

The eyes produce ‘basal’ tears, a fluid which keeps the eyes moisturized. This lets you see clearly, without any discomfort, according to NEI (National Eye Institute). A mixture of water, mucus, fatty oils and more than 1,500 proteins (bet you didn’t know that!). When we blink, the basal tears spread over our cornea. Blinking regularly throughout the day keeps your eyes healthy and moistened.

If everything’s all right with the eyes, then the extra tear fluid is drained out through the tear ducts called ‘puncta’, located at the inner corners of the eyelids, near the nose.

Ophthalmologists have two terms to describe excessive tearing – ‘insufficient drainage’ and ‘overproduction of tears’.

Now, why do your eyes water all the time?

Reason -1: Dry environment

When you’re in a dry environment, you can feel your cheeks going dry. At the same time, your eyes become dry too. That’s when the lacrimal glands release and produce more tears in a phenomenon called ‘reflex tearing’. You might have noticed the discomfort and watery eyes you experience when you’re in an air-conditioned environment, or when you’re out in strong winds outside.


If your eyes are watering due to the dry environment, then you should think about a few changes to your lifestyle. For example, buy a humidifier, avoid direct air flowing in your eyes from fans, avoiding air conditioners or keeping the temperature at a little below room temperature, so that it’s cool but not freezing.

Also, you can use eyelid wipes like Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes daily so that your eyes’ moisture level is balanced, keeps your eyelids clean and refreshing.

Reason – 2: You’ve been staring at your computer screen for hours

Whether for work or pleasure, staring at the laptop, iPad, Desktop screen, and forgetting to blink, can dry the eyes too, causing reflex tearing. Your colleagues might be surprised at you seemingly crying your heart out in front of the screen when you’re at work!


Blink more when you’re working at your lappie. And follow the 20-20-20 rule religiously – the rule is to look 20 ft away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. It gives your eyes rest and the opportunity to blink. Your comp screen should not be above your eye level, as this will cause more strain on your eyes.

Reason – 3: Binging on your favorite shows

The Dry Eye Disease Activity Log Study, conducted by Jayant V Iyer, Sze-Yee Lee and Louis Tong, found that while watching TV for a long time, people experienced episodic blur vision, which was caused by eyes drying up. When you’re engrossed in watching TV, you get totally engrossed in the story and forget to blink.  Not blinking is the root cause of eyes tearing and blurring in the middle of your binge-watching.


The study found that when the eyes were lubricated then the symptoms of discomfort were reduced. You can use artificial tears to lubricate them or clean the eyes with Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes to get desired relief and freshness in a harmless way.

Reason – 4: Your Meibomian glands are blocked

If something is obstructing the Meibomian glands, then they cannot release the oil, which might cause unstable tear film and eyes watering. But this is also a condition which is accompanied by eyelid inflammation, known as blepharitis, or skin disorders like rosacea.


You need to consult your doctor about this. Practicing eyelid hygiene by cleaning your eyelids & eye contour every day with Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes will clear blockages, reduce inflammation and rosacea.

Reason – 5: Contact lenses

Watery eyes can be caused by your contact lenses, as they dry the tear film. If your eyes water consistently when you’re wearing the lenses, then it might mean that they’re not a good fit. Or that you’re wearing them for a long time.


Recheck the lenses’ fit and keep your eyes lubricated and moist. Keep your eyelids & eyelashes clean.

Reason – 6: Eyeliner gets in your eyes

Sometimes, if you apply eyeliner right on the lid, it can cause watering. This is because the eye is irritated, and tries to flush the liner out of the eyes.


Consider your eyelashes as the ‘Lakshman Rekha’ for eyeliner application. Stay on the lashes as much as possible while applying your liner. Remove your makeup before sleeping both Oculeaf Soft Eyelid Cleanser and Oculeaf Eyelid Wipes are very effective in removing your make up softly.

Reason -7: Your eyes are having an allergic reaction

The body releases a chemical called histamine which might cause your eyes to well up and start watering. Sometimes, you could be suffering from a subtle allergy, which is not pronounced, but it causes severe watering of the eyes.


You should see a doctor if this is happening randomly.

Reason -8: You suffer from dry eye

It seems contradictory, but it’s not as crazy as it sounds. Reflex tearing happens to people who suffer from chronic dry eyes. This is because along with burning, stinging, mucus, light sensitivity, blurred vision, exhausted eyes, the eyes might water excessively too.


You should never neglect persistent dry eye symptoms, and just HAVE to consult an ophthalmologist. There could be an underlying cause for which you have to have a proper treatment plan. Eyelid Hygiene will help reduce symptoms of dry eyes.

Reason – 9: Sleep apnea

More research on this condition has shown that sleep apnea is associated to a host of diseases, including heart conditions, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, stroke, high blood pressure as well as ‘floppy eyelid syndrome’. In this, your upper eyelid stays open when you sleep, leading to dryness.


Visit your doctor, as he will advise you the proper treatment.

Reason – 10: Excessive uses of two-wheelers driving

Often people use long hours driving two-wheelers suffers from excessive tearing. It is because of continuous air pressure on eyes destabilize tear film.


You should avoid long traveling on two-wheelers or if it is unavoidable travel with break journey. Keep your eyes moist & clean.

If you’re embarrassed by your eyes watering in the middle of a board meeting, it’s time you made a few lifestyle changes, including practicing regular eye hygiene. When the tearing or watering becomes unbearable and does not improve with any changes you have made to your life, then you should see the doctor immediately. Daily Eye & Eyelids Hygiene is the most important part like brushing your teeth. This will help to keep your eyes healthy.

To know more about eye hygiene, visit

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